Our Story

Carbondeck is the reward of our years of work, enthusiasm, and imagination. Now, we’re deeply excited to share the story behind it with you.

Turning Years of Experience into Innovation

The Layered Path to Carbondeck

Net zero solutions have been evolving for a long time, and we’ve gladly been part of the journey for years now. We’ve undergone challenges, improved our solutions, and identified the most essential needs. Now, we’re out to break new ground.

Carbondeck is the last of the key milestones in net zero solutions, which we describe as “layers.”

Layer 1
Consultants Layer 1 icon

Consultants were the initial navigators of the net zero landscape who relied solely on their expertise and manual processes Despite aptly offering customized solutions, they lack the ability to overcome challenges such as time efficiency, accuracy, and scalability.

Layer 2
SaaS Solutions Layer 2 icon

SaaS solutions marked a significant leap forward. These platforms automated the cumbersome aspects of GHG accounting, making net zero efforts much more accessible. Yet, the one-size-fits-all approach often fell short in addressing unique and complex business needs and integration challenges.

Layer 3
Carbondeck Layer 3 icon

Carbondeck is the result of our years of devotion to climate action. It’s our solution to all the challenges we and the entire net zero landscape faced in the previous layers. It combines consultant expertise with SaaS automation and boosts accessibility by offering every business in the world a seamless, full-scale GHG accounting service for free.

Beyond a mere solution, Carbondeck is a platform that surpasses all the limits of previous layers and makes collaboration the new norm in the field.

Our Mission

Carbondeck is the embodiment of our dedication to simplifying, demystifying, and democratizing the net zero transition.

We are driven by the purpose of catalyzing progress toward net zero and we pursue this purpose by ensuring a world where environmental stewardship is within everyone's reach.

Our Vision

At Carbondeck, we’re highly inspired by the interdependence of each stakeholder in global climate mitigation.

With this inspiration, we envision a near future where any business anywhere in the world has access to the necessary means to embark upon its unique net zero journey. We’re proudly assuming a key role in making this vision a reality, and excitingly calling upon companies around the world to join this effort.

Our Values

At Carbondeck, our principles are the foundation of every work we do. Just as our actions, they are also inadvertently shaped by the net zero future we committedly aspire to reach.


We find it hard to imagine a decarbonized tomorrow without equal access to net zero solutions for stakeholders worldwide. That’s why accessibility is the primary value we uphold in every moment of our work.


Envisioning a better tomorrow demands imagining new means to get there. We realize that the more ambitious our dream is, the more innovative our ideas need to be.


We recognize that we’re all interdependent, both in our experiences of climate impacts and in our efforts to mitigate them. Collaborative action is essential to us for achieving meaningful and lasting progress.


Reliable change isn’t viable without a commitment to open and transparent conversations. We strive to communicate each aspect of our work in the most meaningful and transparent way possible.

More Than One

Just as businesses aren’t alone in their net zero endeavors, we’re not the only ones who wish to catalyze a sustainable future. Carbondeck is supported by the know-how of more than 100 experts and talents at the heart of Peerless Ventures’ versatile ecosystem.

Let’s Connect!

Check us out on social media for more information about Carbondeck or contact us directly to get acquainted!

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